Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Ish... & Happy Living

Well I've been brainstorming new ideas for the good ole' blog, and I wanted to include mii readers on some of them. A new Section I was toying with is "Dirty Lil' Details" Not too sure what I want that to be about but take your mind off the sexual stuff, thats too easy. I've also thought about Reader made suggestions about what it is exactly I should add, or change, etc. I've thought about having more guest writers come and express themselves, but I havent really had time to reach out to my 'writer friends' Oh and the Advice Column will return, so look out for that in the next few days or so. I know, I've recieved all your emails about it, I just have been sick and trying to finish the Editing of In the moment. ~Trist

P.S. Happy Birthday Essence! Sweet Sixteen or Sassy sixteen, Either way Enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Poor Baby!

Im Sorry but Im sick yet again! I'll try to post something in between my medicine intakes. ~Miss Jones

Saturday, January 24, 2009

16 @ War

The situations that teenagers face are something serious. I have a few teens that I know and they make me want to volunteer at a youth center or Boys & Girls club something. I feel bad for the teens growing up today without a stable and loving home life. My mom made it her business to make sure I went to the best schools to receive the best education. She made sure I participated actively in constructive programs that I benefited from and actually wanted to participate in. What's the purpose of signing me up for a program I have absolutely no interest in? It's only wasting time that I could be devoting to other things. Looking at the way kids are growing up now makes me appreciate how hard my mother pushed me for excellence. It wasn't her expectation for me to be barefoot and pregnant with no education. Now I have nothing but respect and love for the females who are struggling but who aren't giving up. The moment u feel as though your life is minutes away from crashing a break through comes your way. It hurts me deeply to know some of these teens don't have anyone in their corner letting them know they can be anything they want to be. Yes I'm super happy that my president is black but it shouldn't take Barack Obama to open ppl eyes to the possibility of what they can become with hard work. The first images of success your child experience is you, the parents. You help to mold their minds by the things u do and don't do. The ppl u choose to have in your life, the type of environment in surround them in. If you put anyone other than your child first they will 100% feel unloved by you. And do u know what happens then? They go out in the streets looking for the love you are supposed to be giving away freely. If u really want your child to be better than you, then hug them, kiss them and tell them u love them every second of everyday if u can. When teens go to the street for love they most certainly end up in trouble. My mother prepared me for the bullsh*t that was waiting for me when I walked outside of my home. It was drilled in my head to be successful first then u reap the rewards. I didn't lose my virginity until after I finished high school and even then I wished I had waited longer. I also had just lost my mother to cancer and wasn't really giving a sh*t about anything really. I honestly believe if my mother hadn't died, I would've been a virgin for longer. But I want to be an outlet that teens, esp girls, feel they can count on. I know I work crazy hours, starting school soon, maintaining a blog and writing two novels but I can't see a better way to spend my time than being a mentor. If I can help someone just by being there then why wouldn't I?
~Tristan Jones

Friday, January 23, 2009

Im 23!

Happy Birthday To ME!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Callin' Nurse Howard

Pagin' nurse Howard, Pagin' Nurse Howard! In about a year, I will hopefully be hearing those words through the hospital PA system. No Im not going to be a nurse, (HATE BLOOD) But a very good friend of mine, Shennel, will be. She moved away yesterday to pursue her goal of becoming a nurse. She is now attending a university in Upstate New York, and by the end of the year she will have obtained her MASTERS DEGREE! Go girl!! Im so excited and proud of her, she is nervous of course but through out all the sh*t she has gone through she still maintained perfect grades. Secretly she is and will always be my Role Model. Knock 'Em dead girl! ohhhh but not literally, we trying to keep ALL the patients Alive ~Tristan

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Im @ the Cross / Road

What happens when your dreams and reality collide? Well I'm about to figure that out. I so desperately want to spend my days and my nights, sitting at my desk writing. I no longer want to come to work. I'm depressed that I spend ALL MY TIME at work, and this is not the type of place where u can sit in a corner and 'create'. I mean you can expand your imagination wherever you are but it starts to become a problem when you have "Real work" that needs to be done. I honestly enjoy my job, the hours are late, the work is fairly easy, and my co workers leave me be. But... Its not enough. Im struggling with fatigue, When I get home its late so Im ready to sleep. And in the morning I have to pry myself out of the bed. Common chores and errands have become such a major effort. I dont even have the time or the strength to go visit friends, talk on the phone or even do laundry( I fall asleep on the dryer). I know everything Im doing now is preparing me to be the best writer but I wish I could skip a few steps and just be famous already. ~Trist

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Birthday Diaster in the Making

Updated 1/16/2009
Well I think I have my birthday plans finalized? Im going to try and make sure I dont do any last minute changes but you all know how that can be. On the day before my birthday, thursday, Im going to be in Harlem so If you see me Say 'Hey' Im going to get my nails done by the BEST nail artist out there right now! I'll be getting a pedicure but at the nail salon across the street from Delano Village, now known as Savoy Park. On Friday (MY BIRTHDAY!!) I will be back in Harlem but this time for my hair. I colored my hair last week, and it came out a rich deep plum that looks great in the Sun. I've finally settled on Shirley Temple Curls, so I know at least my hair will be a hit. Yes Im working on my birthday but a few close friends are taking me to brunch, Arent I a Lucki Lady!?!
SO Im going to skip town and be on a Saturaday flight to Las Vegas (Its a 5 hr flight!!) Im either staying at Ceasar's Palace or Treasure Island. Im not sure If Im going to hit up any clubs but the Palms is always a great place to celebrate. I will try to bring photos back but you already know, Im not the 'picture type' of person. Dont worry I will come back home and dish out all the dirty lil details to you! Oh wait I can't... Cuz What happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas. Im also going to try my BEST to host a dinner party at my favorite restaurant (Mo'Bay Uptown) but that isnt planned until the first/second weekend in February. Invitations will go out as soon as I finalize on that as well. So check ya mailboxes, you just might be surprised. ~TJ

Its almost that time of year again, MY BIRTHDAY!! This year is extremely special because Im turning 23 on the 23rd, its considered my GOLDEN birthday so I have to plan something worthy of Golden? How is the plans going you ask, they are going in circles! Everytime I think I know what I want to do, there's something better I think of. Suggestions PLEASE! ~Tristan

I wish I may, I wish I might?

So today I got out of bed, even though I was dead tired, I made the moves necessary to go back to College. Whats funny is, since I've made this declaration doors and windows alike having been opening steadily. It had me deep in thought about whether or not DREAMS really come true. My childhood dream was to be the next superstar actress. As I get older, I see myself more behind the scenes, but I wouldn't turn down the chance to be in front of the camera! I really enjoy writing, I have such a passion for it. I don't want to say it comes easy because Ive been working on my writing seriously for about the past 4 years. I never really had a 'dream' to become a writer until I started getting really positive feedback from my first novel, "In the Moment". I guess my defining moment was when I had a friend of a friend telling me about this (MY) book (It wasn't fully completed then)that I just had to read. At the time I had one semi finished copy, just floating around through my inner circle, I didn't tell them I wrote it because I wanted honest opinions about it. Well anyway, Lets call her Stacy, Stacy went on and on about how she could really relate to the characters, the story line and how she could actually see the scenery as described by the author. I told her I would definitely take her advice in reading the book. My point is I put myself out there, wayyyy out there and the response was wonderful. As I creep closer to having my book published (Yahhhhh!!!) my dream only become more clear. If I want to be the best in what I do, shouldn't I continue my education to study my Craft & Perfect it?
I would love to hear what your Dream are and how you are pursuing them.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sick Leave

Please don't be too mad at me, but I'm terribly sick today. I have some sort of stomach thing that's has my body turning on itself. I'll write something world defining tomorrow. ~ Sick TJ

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In the Moment. . .

Hey Everyone,
So I finally got around the time to edit my first novel. I still have a ways to go as far as the novel being completely finished but it's time to let you read an excerpt. You know you love exclusives!

In the Moment by Tristan Jones
It wasn't the four am phone calls that bothered me so much, I guess you could say I was used to them. My older sister, Mya, was the premier public relations guru in Baltimore, with more stories to tell than she had time to. Tonight somehow felt different, especially being a Monday. I answered the phone waiting for Mya to start laughing asking if she woke me up like she always did, but all I heard was sniffles. "Hello?" I said softly, but heard nothing "Hello Mya?", still I heard nothing but more intense cries "Mya, your really startin to scare the sh*t out of me. What's wrong?", I still heard nothing but my sister's pain. "Mya either tell me what's going on or I'm hanging up the phone. It's to early in the morning for this." . . . "Alex committed suicide Shy." At that instant I felt as if I was drowning in my own thoughts. Did I hear right? Alex dead? Why? Who was going to take are of his son? Could I have done something to stop it? What was he thinking? Is this a joke? In the back of my mind, I heard Mya screaming my name but I couldn't muster enough energy to answer her. Before I knew it, I hit the floor.

Now that was just a taste, the main course is coming soon.
-Tristan J

Friday, January 9, 2009

Breaking News

Update 01/10/09

Good Evening Everyone,
Im back! I hope I didnt scare anyone unnecessarily? Well yes Sasha told me she felt like my readers needed to know what was going on with me, and Im thankful for having a good friend in her. I took a red eye flight from LAX so I could get back to NYC as soon as possible. As you may know, there was a shooting in the bay area, where 22yo Oscar Grant was murdered by BART officer Johannes Mehserle, who has since resigned. What pisses me off about the incident, is the unarmed 'suspect' was handcuffed and cooperating with the police. Was Johannes that excited to pull the trigger? The VICTIM leaves behind a family, but most importantly a child. I couldnt resist going to Cali and showing my support! I strongly believe these 'cops' need to be punished for wrong doings... It's not ok. This is unaccceptable, point blank period. I do not agree with the violent protest that has followed the incident but I 110% understand it. Im very angry but Im overly sad, the value of a life should be held in high regard. Unless there is an immediate since of danger, which there wasn't in the case, then and only then should deadly force be used. This especially hurts because it could've been anyone of my friends or associates, any one of the ppl I care deeply about. The only thing left is to look to the future and try to make sense of this tragic tragedy. My prayers are with the family of Oscar Grant.

Good Evening Tristan Jones readers,
This is her good friend, Sasha McQueen, I have very serious news, Tristan has been arrested earlier this evening! All the details I have right now is she was following a protest in California. I will give you up to the minute, updates about Miss Jones arrest.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Young boys....

Now normally on the train, I have my music blasting out of my headphones, and its usually accompanied with a really good book, the last thing I want is for someone to try to 'holla at me'. Well this morning I was in for a shocker! Now mind you, its around 5:25 in the morning (I had to work the early shift) so I REALLY didn't want to be bothered with any body's foolishness. So I'm reading and reading, and I see this guy noticing me! Which hey I'm a female and sometimes to have an admirer is endearing, sweet but my fantasy ended rather abruptly, when he interrupted my book and asked me, "Do you have a myspace page?". I was rather disgusted! I shook my head no, when I really wanted to say was, "What?! Is that how you get someone's attention? What happened to excuse me". I would have been more opened to the conversation if he has said something to that affect but he didnt so I was off of the subject of him.
This brings me to my Question of the Day,
Are we that Tech Savvy that 'Good Morning', has been replaced with 'What's your Aim screenname' and If so what will the future generations saluations become? ~Tristan

New Year, Same Crap?

First let me say Happy New Year,
Yes its been a while since you heard from me but I had to take a much needed vacation. I do hope that everyone can forgive me and we can return to our normal schedule programs?
When I decided to start a blog, I thought how much work could it be? Well Its a hell of alot! At that point in my life, I dont think I was ready to fully take on the responsibilities of 'TristanJonez @ blogger' but with things more in focus, I know now is the best time. Im still very much scared, I know I sometimes come off as this superwoman type of chick, but deep down Im a lil girl just trying to find the path that makes me totally happy. Yes, Of course, Im still searching, and planning and just trying to find out what pushes my buttons but I honestly believe its a journey that I should share...
Think about it, How often are we able to put all of ourselves out there to be seen, heard and judged? No masks, no fronts, no bull, its just me and you. In my absence, I've learned alot about myself and how strong & sometimes how sensitive I can be. I've watched as my comfort zone has been crushed and rebuilt. Dont get me wrong, I dont have all the answers, I prolly dont have the right ones either, but Im Human and Im entitled to make a mistake. If anything I welcome my mistakes, how else would I learn from them? Right now Im very, no extremely elated to be back and I know I have to work harder than ever to get back into your good graces but I welcome the challange with open arms...
~Tristan Nichole Jones