Tristan J
Tristan J
Sometimes I do wish I had someone to go with me on my adventures but its just ME! I've learned how to be so comfty in my own skin as well as be my own very best friend that I sometimes forget there are people out there who care a great deal about me. I find that I can go tooo hard about the things that I want to do but coming back home has allowed me to slow down and take inventory. Sometimes I just do, and do and do that I never stop to see all that I've done and appreciate my accomplishments.
As I grow older I have to keep evaluating, modifying & creating my goals, which I think is normal. The things you liked as a child may not be what you prefer as an adult. I know its not always a good thing to judge, just by looking at what you THINK may be the situation. It only take a second to ask me whats going on.
Tristan Jonez
To me, they look EXACTLY like the 'Real' Loubie's. Im going to upload a photo so you can see the difference as well as the similarities. Enjoy!