Monday, November 1, 2010

New New New

This is the first of November so I'd thought Id start it correctly. I havent been writing like I used to at all. I just havent been feeling very motivated or inspired. My first novel is right back to collecting dust on my bedroom floor. I know I know I need to finish it and get the ball rolling but right now its just blah. (Laughing)

This time last year I was preparing myself for my 'big move' to Los Angeles, but a whole (roughly) 365 days later what am I doing?? I ask myself that constantly, I know Im forever dreaming but I have to actually do all the things Im dreaming about. I def still want to go to Venice, Italy, Take cooking classes in New Orlenas as well as dance thru the streets in the Treme! I need to explore, fail, and do it all over again. I need to LIVE!

I use my head to think too much, from now on, Im using my heart.
