Saturday, November 28, 2009

she got a mean SHOE GAME!

So I was browsing gossip websites as well as shoe websites and came across a shoe that could pass for the other. I found a look a like shoe (By accident) on Bakers shoe website. I just found a similar pair on Baby Phat's wesbite. Im not exactly sure where Christina (Milian) Nash got hers from but they look the same to me. Enjoy!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

she got a mean SHOE GAME!

I seriously have an addiction! Im loving, no adoring Badgley Mischka shoes!! Here's another classic shoe. Cop them (


Live from LA: Momma I wanna sing!

Live from LA: My Star on the Walk of Fame

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Random Tuesday....

Hey people, To say that this has been a wild ride so far is an understatement. I've been going back and forth through the motions of what to do, and where to go and etc. I've happy that I made the leap to even come out here and give it a shot. I sooo want to live in Santa Monica and that may not be possible RIGHT NOW but Im def working on making that happen. People I really wish you all could be here to see the same things Im seeing and to experience this as I experience it. Hopefully you'll be here soon. -Jonez

Live from LA: Welcome to Goodburger!

Monday, November 16, 2009


My friend Chant had wrote a few of the lyrics on fb and It made me want to hear the actual song. I really like the beat and the lyrics are VERY inspirational. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


FYI: Event took place Nov. 14!!
Right now I'm in the midst of an art gallery/exhibit. Coming here I didnt know what to expect, would it be a crowd of snobbish people holding wine glasses with their noses stuck up in the air or would it be a room full of hipsters with dreads and beer? I was actual a lil terrified when I walked thru the doors. Instantly I felt ok. The music wasn't too house but a few lines of Tweet shone thru. My first glance led me to five photos of a beautiful geometrical house but it was more than a house, it was serene. I'm now calm. Im greeted by Greg but I dont return his smile.I'm very annoyed with him but I wont ruin his night. He worked super hard for this and I have to let him enjoy it, but tomorrow is a totally different story.

The crowd is now growing, more conversation and more drinking. A painting has caught my eye and can't t move to another. The patterns transport me to somewhere, where I dont know but far from the bullsh!t of here. Takes me to a place all alone. I've finally moved on but to a place I know Esse would love. There's a tee shirt but it's disected into more than a shirt. Im feeling like even I could be a designer. Despite a disaster of taking buses and getting lost this was an event I was happy to have been at. Not a true lover of art but tonight an innocent crush was established, I look forward to exploring what else Split and Causecast has to offer.
-Tristan Jonez

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Where'd you cop them?

For some reason I really like this colorway of Supra's, It kinda reminds me of wheat timberlands. I could see a guy pairing them with a dark denim and a white shirt. I think I likey. (laughing) Cop them here (

-Jonezy Jonez

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Live From LA: Skybar

she got a mean SHOE GAME!

One Word, Badglet Mischka! Cop them (

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009


First heard this song on the 2009 VMAs, and couldnt get it out of my head. Listen carefully!


Goodbye New York!

So this is it! This the moment that I've been waiting for, the moment of truth. The moment where Tiffany/Tristan becomes that person that she has always wanted to be. The tough chick! The one who will get on this plane and come out on the other end, stronger and more confident than before. This is MY moment of Truth. After I land, I'll post something. (Well I'll try) -Tristan Jonez

The Three Musketeers! (Sp?)

I couldn't have asked for a better set of musketeers, even If I knew what I was supposed to ask for. Im so grateful and appreciative of Joanna and Amilcar that words couldn't explain the love that I have in my heart for them. Joanna gave me that extra push when I was allowing myself to be 'normal' and 'regular'. Lord knows she eventually got on my last damn nerves BUT its because of her, Im boarding a plane to Los Angeles today! Amilcar had the hardest part, he had to be my counselor for any days that I was doubting my ability to be great... which was everyday!!! Im surprised that he didnt curse me out and tell me to stfu in the process! I think If I had, had his job I would've quit a long time ago.
So Amilcar & Joanna, Thank you for every encouraging word and action you've EVER done for me. My appreciation goes far deeper than any words I could ever possibly write. I sincerely thank you from the bottom and the top of my heart for befriending a crazy wildchild like me!

-Tristan Jonez aka Tiffany Curry

Oh and P.S. The Range Rovers and Benz's are on me!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

MOB Contest

This is a piece I wrote for "Married to the Mob" and's contest. I thought I'd share it with you.

Im the most official blogger because I keep it all the way real. I dont blog about things I know nothing about. I try to make sure I write about topics that my readers can relate to. No Im not a fashionista but yet I fake it until I make it. I just recently added the section, Where'd you cop them? (A collection of fly kicks for girls and guys), She got a mean shoe game ( Shoes that are sometimes affordable but most time shoes that will make even a man take notice). I've also added the section, Can I have some ... SEX? Which helps to answer people's questions about just that. A lot of times, theres no one to really answer those type of questions and my responses are to help in any way I can. Im VERY experienced when it comes to sex, and Im not afraid to share my vast knowledge with the world. I understand that putting so much of myself out there can have its negative consequences but the positive outweighs the bad.
Im also the most official blogger because Im not going to stop doing my thing because so called friends dont like what Im doing. Its crazy how you can start off being friends with someone, thinking they support your dream only to find out, behind your back they hope and pray you fall on your face. I cant tell you how many friends I've recently lost because Im so determined to move to Los Angeles and make my dream of becoming a writer come true. I refuse to stop living my life because a mofo has a problem with it. As I write this, I have two so called friends that I actually work with, whom I have to see each and everyday at work, who are publically trying my patience. Instead of me just popping off, Im continuing to be who I am. Eff who has a problem with it. .... Got a little off topic (Laughin)! At the end of the day, Im doing what I love to do, which is write. I welcome the benefits as well as the set backs. So in the words of Married to the Mob, "Do I look like I give a fuck?"

Thank you for taking the time to read my submission. Tristan Jonez aka Tiffany C

she got a mean SHOE GAME!

I believe these are the first pair of flats I've featured on her but look at them, they are FIRE! I think Im really into the ruffled girly look and the shade of blue is gorgeous. They also come in Black and Vanilla. Cop them (


Friday, November 6, 2009

Being Me

Sometimes I hate the fact that I put other peoples feeling before my own. I'm always trying to improve life for others. I always want to do all that I can for someone out of the kindness of my own heart. I'm never looking for more in return than a thank you. Even if I don't get that I'm still willing to continue to do what I have to for that person. As everyone knows by now I'm leaving soon. I'm doing something for someone but kinda at the sacrifice of time. I'm racing against a clock! I now have three days to pack, make sure storage is ok, say goodbyes and etc. If I don't stay on schedule even an hour it throws everything off. Remember I'm still getting to work everyday on time. I can't afford to be late!! I just spoke to my dad and he kinda upset me. He just basically said I need to put myself first. AND when I'm gone people are either going to do for themselves or find another sucker. I hate when my dad is right!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Manicure


I think Purple & Yellow is the BEST combination to put on your nails.I even tried to do a lil design! Enjoy.

5 Days and Counting

As the days dwindle down to November 9, I start to think about the small things that's going to matter so much. I'm always thinking about the pizza that I used to eat in Dyckman, or the hot chocolate I'd be dying for on the lower east side when the temperature was really cold. Ive been thinking about my bff Jeff and now we wouldn't be in the same city together. Yes thats the same Jeff who baby mother HATES me! There were many times when we would sneak and see each other, what can I say he's my BEST friend or at least he was. I know Los Angeles is the land of the beautiful, but my only concern is who in the hell is going to give me my wash and sets?!? As nervous as I am, Im moreso excited. Something in me is telling me everything is going to be ok.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, November 2, 2009


Baggage by Lee Carr

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Where'd you cop them?

What a POP of color! I love the purple against the very bright teal. Im not sure if these come in women sizes but I hope so. Even though we are going into the winter, these can still be worn! Just think of how you will stand out while walking through the snow... Loves it!

Trist J