Saturday, February 28, 2009

To have & To hold

Dear Jones, My boyfriend of two years recently confided in me that he cheated on me. I immediately broke up with him and moved out of his home. I do love him but the relationship is over for me. Everytime I look at him, I see him having sex with someone else. I told him to give me space to let me breathe but he is doing everything but that. During our relationship when I needed him the most he was always there for me so as much as I hate him right now I'm not sure if I should leave permantely. -Left over Lust

Dear LOL, I speak from the heart when I say I'm sorry that your boyfriend cheated. I've been through that and it sucks. I can't tell you if you should stay or go however whatever you chose to do you should stay true to that. If he isn't trying to give you the space you've requested then take it. Stop answering his phone calls, texts, and emails. If necessary turn your phone off. Right now you need time to process everything without someone in your ear. Yes it's true, it can take years to build trust in someone and only a second to break that. However if you really want to work things out you have to be willing to put his past faults behind you and move on. LOL, no matter what you chose you have to forgive him. You will never be able to move on with your life as long as you hold on to that resentment towards him, you have to forgive him for you. I was once told "feel with your head but think with your heart". After being cheated on that statement is the most sensible thing anyone could've told me. -Jones

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