Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can I have some... SEX?

When is it the right time to ask the person you're dating about their HIV/AIDS + STD status? Do you ask after the second date? Or do you wait until the topic of sex comes up? What about if the topic never comes up, then what? Do you suggest you take the test together to put both of your minds at ease. And if that's done what would you do if your potential sexual partner actually has something, or even worst you have something?
I believe the best time to bring it up is obviously before you have sex. It's a question that's should be asked calmly such as would you like a glass of water. Simply say when was the last time you was tested for any STD's or HIV? When they answer don't forget to ask what were the results. Please don't assume everything was negative. If you don't trust their answer then going to the clinic together is a great option. However if you don't trust them then maybe this isn't someone who you should be having sex with at all. (Just Saying)
We all hear the stats about the growing number of new cases so that's why we cant be ignorant. In 2009 being ignorant is definitely NOT bliss.


1 comment:

  1. I think right b4 having sex is the best time to ask your partner when was the last time they was tested for HIV/AIDS & the results. This is such a touchy subject to some people b/c they believe it might scare their partner away if they ask. No matter what type of relationship they have, it's better off to know then find out down the line that you got it.
