Dear Torn,
I used to say I just want to be the girl who guys could hang out with and really get to know. I would be delighted if they would have sex with other girls so then there wouldn't be pressure for me to have sex with them. And for me this arrangement worked out great until I met a guy I didn't want to share with anyone. Torn if you believe this is someone you would like to take it to the next level with then you have to communicate with him. Let him know how you feel about the situation, he might be willing to focus only on you. Your guy might want to be with you as well but since you stressed being friends in the beginning, he is prolly just keeping his options opened. Let him know your feelings have changed and you want to be his only option.
-Tristan J
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I think you being honest is the right thing to do. My question is, will you be able to trust him if he decides he wants a relationship with you. Some people do view sex as something sacred btwn 2 people, which they wait till marriage to lose their virginity. And some people view sex as no big deal. It seems like both of your views on that subject are different, so how would you look at him once he becomes your man?