Thursday, July 16, 2009

Single Ladies

So as a single lady, I know exactly how annoying the dating game can be but it can be as rewarding. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and she goes on about how she has an average of 4 dates a week. I'm like WTF? I barely go on a date, ever! LOL. She was just saying she's rather not put all of her energy into one man but divide it into several. This topic also came up at work and a female coworker made a comment about women dating multiple men, she basically said women that date are whores. I disagree 100%. Obviously there's a double standard in society, if a man dates multiple women he's keeping his options opened, if a woman does it, she loose! If you are being honest with these men, then it's nobodies business who you date. However if it is sexual, make sure you protect yourself every time ladies! -Jonez

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1 comment:

  1. I agree. I believe it has always been view that way when women goes on multiple dates. I say what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The whole double standard issue is bullsh*t. I do believe as well if someone does ask you about your sexual history that you have the right not to answer, because they will judge you by the number. Say too little they won't believe you. Say too much and your labeled as a whore. As Tristan said, if you are sexually active always use protection.--Jade
