I've never personally thought about having a threesome until recent. My former love interest said he was very interested in having one, hence me thinking about it. I would like to believe Im open minded about sex but to invite another person into my bed & relationship? And if I were to say yes would we ever be able to go back to just us two? Matter fact does this now mean we are ready for another level of sexual gratification? Personally Im selfish so if the spotlight is on anyone but me then its prolly not going to workout.
Another question that would arise, what if your partner enjoys them more than you? Would it be ok if they continued together or possibly without you? If he was to leave you could you be the one to blame since you opened the door for such to happen? Honestly im still on the fence as to what i would do personally however whatever I choose will be for my sexual gratification first and foremost. I believe too many times people are pressured into doing sh!t by their partners that they really haven't thought through or just aren't ready for. YES be willing to keep an open mind but NO don't compromise when it doesn't benefit you. Sometimes being selfish is the KEY to keeping your relationship & your sanity.
I'm guessing the only way it would work out is if that relationship was an open relationship and that the partners trust each other tremedously. I'm not gonna lie I have thought about it but in a selfish way the spotlight had to be on me. But when one of my ex's brought up that subject, I was kinda nervous about it. The fact that my feelings for him was stronger than his feelings for me, made me upset thinking about it. Therefore I knew for sure that I wasn't down for it. He got upset when I told him about it. So I knew at that moment he wasn't down for me. I don't knock anyone who has done it, but don't pressure your partner if they don't feel comfortable with it. And remember all parties should use protection.