Friday, June 19, 2009

Maid in the Bronx? Hell NO!

So It seems as though, I've been mistaken for Alice. You know Alice, she was the maid in the Brady bunch family. I posted the before and after photos of an oven. I dont understand how anyone would be able to cook with their stove looking like sh!t. EWWWWWWWW!!! I refuse to cook anything with the stove being as dirty as it was. SO I cleaned it! And what a difference, two brillo pads, Awesome (cleaner) and a lil arm action make! For a second I couldnt even recognize the stove once it was cleaned. Seriously people, you should never invite me over your house, if it looks a dirty as$ mess because as you can see I WILL TALK ABOUT YOU! ~Jonez


  1. LMAO! That is too funny and yes that stove was def a mess! It looked brand new once u cleaned it!

  2. Damn Oxi clean, THANK U BILLIE MAYS
